Submit request or call to make an appointment.

Norton Healthcare music therapists are available to help with a wide range of conditions. To connect you with a music therapist, your health care provider can refer you to one of the following professionals.

Norton Audubon Hospital

Kyle Hubert, MT-BC

Rachel Hrdina, MT-BC

Jailynn Z. Noel, MT-BC

Maddie Offenberger, MT-BC

Contact the music therapists through the Robert Lerman Memorial Music Library at (502) 636-7054.

Norton Brownsboro Hospital

Kerry Willis, MT-BC
Kerry provides services for inpatient rehabilitation units. Contact Kerry at (502) 446-8525.

Norton Children’s Hospital and Norton Hospital

Katie Cowan, MT-BC, NICU-MT
Katie provides music therapy groups to adults and children in inpatient behavioral health units as well as services for pediatric patients with psychiatric consults. Contact Katie at (502) 629-8736.

Brett Northrup, MT-BC
Brett provides services for all inpatients and outpatients diagnosed with cancer. Contact Brett at (502) 629-5500.

Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Alex Ruffner, MT-BC, NICU-MT
Alex provides services for inpatients and their families in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Contact Alex at (502) 559-4486.

Kennedy McCollam, MT-BC
Kennedy provides music therapy services to inpatient and outpatient adult oncology patients and their families.

Norton Cancer Institute

Brett Northrup, MT-BC

Norton Children’s Cancer Institute, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine

Norton Cancer Institute – Downtown

Norton Cancer Institute – Jeffersonville

Novak Center for Children’s Health

Allaynah Price, MT-BC

Norton Cancer Institute – Audubon

Norton Cancer Institute – Corydon

Norton Cancer Institute – Downtown

Norton Cancer Institute – Jeffersonville

Contact Brett or Allaynah at (502) 629-HOPE (4673).

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